Elementary School Ensembles
Every year, Long Beach Symphony partners with the Long Beach Unified School District and select LAUSD schools in neighboring communities to present chamber ensembles to 2nd and 3rd graders. Our teaching artists present a 40-minute interactive performance demonstrating their instrument family – strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion – at an introductory level. Through the presentations, students learn about the different instrument families, what their roles are within an orchestra, and how each instrument creates their specific sound, as well as hear musical selections highlighting the ensemble’s instrument family. Long Beach Symphony strives to align the content of the Elementary School Ensemble program with the State Visual and Performing Arts Standards, ensuring presentations are created and performed specifically for elementary-level students.
Our String ensembles introduce the instruments of the string family (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass). Through fun and exciting games, students learn how music can express emotions, how to follow a melody as it moves from instrument to instrument, and how musicians follow a conductor.
What makes a good story? Why, good characters, of course! In this program we will discover how composers use the colors of the instruments to create characters in the stories and to spin tales of adventure, beauty, and drama through music. Let’s open up your own world of imagination and see how music can help you create your own story!
The Brass quintet of the Symphony brings its excitement to elementary schools packed into a concise and entertaining 40-minute program. Each musician (French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba) presents their instrument’s sound, stories and personality, capturing the attention of students and teachers alike. Students leave the performance thrilled by the sounds of brass music, warmed by the friendliness and humor of the musicians, and aware of general music concepts.
This exciting ensemble features three percussionists and one narrator while inviting children to use their mind’s eye (imagination) as they travel to different countries based on the sounds they hear. The narrator engages each child to march, conduct, clap, share dialogue, and even learn audience decorum fit for a symphonic hall experience. Teachers praise this ensemble’s performance as a dynamic and delightfully informative experience for their students.
Feedback from some of our 2023 participating schools!
“Every year is a stellar performance.” – Burbank Elementary
“I enjoyed the excitement my students had for the instruments and watching a live performance.” Signal Hill Elementary
“It was one of the best short assemblies that I have ever experienced in my 23 years of teaching.” Fremont Elementary
“The kids have no idea what classical music is or sounds like unless they have these amazing concerts. Thank you.” Dooley Elementary