Friends & Patrons of Long Beach Symphony

Our donors enjoy unique events, social mixers, and personal interactions with guest artists and our own musicians.

Working together, we can continue to distinguish the Long Beach Symphony as a premier cultural and artistic institution, strengthen and expand our educational programs, and contribute importantly to the quality of life in our community.

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Membership Level

Applause: Supporter benefits

MUSICIAN'S CIRCLE: Bronze ~ $250 and above

• Donor recognition in Concert Program Book
• Invitation to Annual Meeting and Reception
• Invitation to Crescendo, the Annual Symphony Gala
• Membership Benefits for 365 Days

MUSICIAN'S CIRCLE: Silver ~ $500 and above

All Bronze Members Benefits, plus

• Invitation for two to the Symphony’s Annual Meet the Musicians Reception

MUSICIAN'S CIRCLE: Gold ~ $1,000 and above

All Gold Members Benefits, plus

• Invitation for two to Behind the Curtain: Reception & Rehearsal Experience
• Invitation for two to a designated Conductors Circle Post-Show reception

$2,000 and above

All Musician's Circle Benefits, plus

• Conductor's Circle post-concert reception access for every Classical performance
• Complimentary Parking Passes to each Classical and Pops Series Concert
• VIP Entrance Access for all Pops Series Concerts
• Invitation for two to our Conductors and Cabernet Event

$3,500 and above

All Bronze Member Benefits, plus

• Concierge service from the Director of Donor Relations to enhance your season experience

CONDUCTOR'S CIRCLE Gold ~ $7,500 and above

All Silver Member Benefits, plus

• Exclusive invitations to join the Long Beach Symphony Board and Leadership on excursions to world-class musical events

CHAIRMAN'S CIRCLE Bronze ~ $10,000 and above

All Conductor's Circle benefits, plus

• Complimentary VIP Personalized Parking at each Classical and Pops Series Concert
• Invitation for two to the Annual Chairman’s Circle Dinner

CHAIRMAN'S CIRCLE Silver ~ $15,000 and above

All Bronze Level benefits, plus

• Invitation for two to Up Close and Classical: On-Stage Experience and Champagne Reception

CHAIRMAN'S CIRCLE Gold ~ $25,000 and above

All Silver Level benefits, plus

• Featured Concert Sponsorship: Verbal recognition at Concert, Prominent Recognition In-Hall, on Website and Social Media (by request). 20 Premier Classical Tickets or Two Pops Concert Tables
• Standing Invitation to Lunch with Maestro Eckart Preu

CHAIRMAN'S CIRCLE Platinum~ $50,000 and above

All Gold Level benefits, plus

• Exclusive Concert Sponsorship: Bespoke benefits tailored to your needs and requirements
• Standing Invitation to Dinner with Maestro Eckart Preu

FOUNDER'S CIRCLE ~ $100,000 and above

All Chairman's Circle benefits, plus

• Your name attached to either the Pops or Classical Concert Series with all-encompassing season recognition
• Tailored benefits provided for every sponsored series performance

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